Friday, March 31, 2006

Back Yard Blogging

My heartfelt thanks to whoever it was that invented Wi-Fi.

Most transcendently beautiful day of the year so far.  Sunny, blue skies, few whisps of cloud, 70ish, breezy.  Ahhhhhh.

And now I can use Bluetooth with my lovely new(ish) Nokia 6256i (phonescoop) with its mediocre but serviceable camera to upload some pix of my ugly, ugly back yard that looks as though the Roman Legions have been through here and sown the ground with salt: 

Sky from the Back PorchHouses from the Back PorchCirce and Prospero and lifeless soilBrick Grill and Dogs and Laptop from the Back PorchBack porch, laptop, Circe and ProsperoBack Yard Circe Ears

Of course, all of this while I should be working.  I’m a ba-a-a-ad widdoo boy.  It’s ok, it’s ok, I can work from the back porch too!




Track with co.mments
At Fri Mar 31, 05:30:00 PM EST, Blogger Wm said...

Simply seeing two dogs lazing about is enough to shave a few points of one's blood pressure, whether needed or not.

At Fri Mar 31, 06:27:00 PM EST, Blogger IVSTINIANVS said...


They do live blissful lives, those too.


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