Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What do YOU doodle? - Legals Placemat Edition

Legal Sea Foods Placemat
Originally uploaded by IVSTINIANVS.

This is the kind of thing I doodle when I’m bored: some poetry in Greek (Sappho and Homer), some English written in Tengwar (Tolkien’s invented script for Elvish -- I’m such a frakkin’ nerd!!), and the two scripts I most recently taught myself (which I will have to blog aobut later): both Japanese syllabaries, hiragana, and katakana.

At least this time I didn’t conjugate any verbs ...

Thanks to Legal Sea Foods of Kendall Square, Cambridge:

for the useful paper placemat!

I'm too tired to figure out how to get the Google Maps API to work in blospot even with the help of Ron Larson. I'll have to come back and fix it later...

UPDATE 04/28/2006

I have had to temporarily comment out my FeedMap-powered BlogMap in my sidebar: turns out that its javascript code was somehow preventing my Google Map from displaying... FeedMap is based on Microsoft's MapPoint; one would like to hope that the incompatibility is purely ... accidental. ;-)

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At Sun Apr 30, 11:12:00 PM EDT, Blogger Wm said...

I would be interested to see your Greek hand much larger.

At Sun Apr 30, 11:14:00 PM EDT, Blogger Wm said...

And, I also doodle constantly in Greek.

In fact, I was once doing paradigms during a meeting at work. My boss asked what I was writing down. I said, "I'm conjugating the verb 'to kill.' Can we stop the meeting for today?"

At Mon May 01, 11:53:00 PM EDT, Blogger IVSTINIANVS said...

Why thank you, William, for drawing my attention to the shocking fact that I had neglected to enable "all sizes" to all and sundry!

You should now see an "All Sizes" button above my photos. As a shortcut, the original size is here:

At Tue May 02, 08:22:00 AM EDT, Blogger Wm said...

You have better handwriting than I do.

Your uncial hand is interesting — what's the model? The mu makes me think of the usual Coptic fonts.


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